[eng] Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rzeszów - facts in a pill

University of Rzeszów

Al. Rejtana 16c, 35-959 Rzeszów

Dean's Office of the English Division

Warzywna 1a Str.

Building G4, room 225

35-959 Rzeszow

more info here: https://www.ur.edu.pl/kolegia/kolegium-nauk-medycznych/student/kierunki-studiow1/english-division/deans-office-for-the-english-division


The University of Rzeszów began its activities on 7 June 2001. The university was created from a merger of the Higher School of Pedagogy in Rzeszów, the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, which had its branch in Rzeszów, and the Faculty of Economics in Rzeszów, which belonged to the Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University in Kraków.

Since the beginning of the University of Rzeszów, more than 100 000 graduates have left its walls.

A very important event in the life of the University was on 10 July 2014, when the Faculty of Medicine at UR was established as a faculty. It is currently attracting huge interest from people from all over the country as well as from abroad. Last year, the first graduates of this faculty graduated. (Some of them can now be seen in the corridors of hospitals, where they are doing their postgraduate training). For the past four years, it has also been possible to study medicine at our university in English.

Thanks to the growing interest and the increasing prestige of the university, the enrolment limits for medicine are being increased year on year. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health, the admission limit for the academic year 2022/23 was as follows:

- for stationary mode in Polish: 110

- for non-stationary mode in Polish: 60

- for non-stationary mode in English: 40


The Rector of the University of Rzeszów is Prof. Dr. Sylwester Czopek.

The Vice-Rector for the College of Medical Sciences is Prof. Artur Mazur, MD, PhD.

The Dean of the College of Medical Sciences is Prof. Edyta Barnaś, MD, PhD.

The Head of English Devision is dr hab. n. med. David Aebisher, prof. UR 


Dormitories - location + price + mode of recruitment (schedule)

Student dormitories, belonging to the infrastructure of the University of Rzeszów are:

DS LAURA , 2 Cicha St., tel. 17 872 34 32

DS FILON , Cicha 4, tel. 17 872 24 00

DS OLIMP, 17 Siemieńskiego Street, tel. 17 872 26 01

DS MERKURY AND HILTON, 2 Ćwiklińska Street, tel. 17 861 40 04

A place in a DS is granted by the Student Residence Committee (in the Education Department - Social Affairs Section - room 104, Building A 2, Kopista 2A) upon a written application by the student. In order to apply for a place you have to go through several stages, e.g. fill in an application for a place, go to the manager of the chosen Student's Dormitory to get a confirmation of the place reservation, make a reservation payment (equal to the monthly fee for the chosen room), and finally, submit an application to the designated staff member of the Student's Dormitory (it will be passed on to the Committee for Student's Dormitories of the University of Rzeszów, who will take a decision on the granting of a place in DS).

More information about accommodation in student residences can be found on the UR website or the Education Department Social Affairs Section

al. mjr. W. Kopisto 2A,

35-959 Rzeszów

building A2, 1st floor, room 106

tel./fax (+48 17) 872 10 25

e-mail: sss@ur.edu.pl

A little hint: If you are going to live in a dormitory, the best choice would be two, namely: "Laura" and "Filon". Both Student Dormitories are located right next to each other, on Cicha Street (on Powstańców Warszawy Avenue, which has a very good bus connection to all teaching buildings of the University). In each of them you can get a place in a 1,2 or 3-bed room. In addition, on the ground floor of DS. "Laura" houses a gym run by the AZS, while in the basement the following are available for those interested: billiards, a room for occasional parties, a ping-pong table. A few steps away is the "Pod Palmą" Student Club with a buffet (with subscription lunches), the "Tuptuś" café, a sports field and a doctor's surgery. If you are worried about noise and endless parties, there is no reason - each dormitory has a so-called quiet study room.

The fees in the individual dormitories can be found here: https://www.ur.edu.pl/student/domy-studentaa/oplaty/informacje-o-oplatach

Scholarships available at the university:

1. the Minister's Scholarship

2. Rector's scholarship

3. social scholarship

4. scholarships for the disabled

5. aid grants

More info here: https://www.ur.edu.pl/doktorant/stypendia-domy-studenta-kredyty-studenckie-ubezpie


What distinguishes the university?

Our university is mainly distinguished by its short tenure as a medical faculty. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The former can certainly be seen more in clinical classes. They are mainly conducted by practising doctors who are very keen to show and teach their daily work. Another benefit is the new infrastructure for medical faculties, where there is space for practical exercises on manikins using the latest technology, which is a safe way to learn manual skills. The downside of the 'young university' is certainly the lack of a proven system of organisational solutions, e.g. block scheduling or too little space for student research activities. However, these shortcomings will certainly improve with the increasing number of graduates from our Alma Mater.


More information about starting your adventure at the University of Rzeszów as a first-year student can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b70pFmbM0sWM-AIiEHTlKh7NA-zb2T9Z/view?usp=sharing


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